Out with the trash and in with the class...

9/02/10 (It's only appropriate to wish everyone a happy 90210 day...go out to the Peach Pit and celebrate this glorious day!)

As I was indicating in the title...out with the trash and in with the class...it's all relative!

Today was the best day of...my time in Fairbanks perhaps!

I got a call from the (once ever so bitchy and hostile) woman at Hertz indicating that they needed me to bring in the HHR (must be an acronym for hearse) and that they were going to switch me out...I think she sensed the reluctance in my voice, because she quickly indicated that it would be an upgrade...Let me just say that I didn't trust this lady as far as I could throw her (and she was a big woman) since she also considered this HHR to be a "nice" car.  Too much reindeer sausage must have done some long term damage to her brain!

I figured I would take a leap of faith, it is 90210 day after all, so I channeled my inner Donna Martin, or perhaps I was more like Valerie, one will never know...and hauled off to the airport, yet again (probably the 5th time since I've been here) to "upgrade" this fine piece of machinery on wheels.

After some serious parking lot investigation it looked like the coast was clear and that I would indeed be getting an "upgrade"...

OMG OMG OMG total upgrade! She even let me pick my own color (I think because she was such a raging bitch to me the first time when her "nice" car decided to let the tailgate open randomly...oh yeah they said that was my fault...long story not worth blog space!)

So...I'll start this by saying I hate Fords. It's true. But, this car that I have, I would totally own one of these...

Sorry I couldn't get a full pic, I was leaned up against someone else's car trying to snap this one really quickly. You get the idea...I'll take an inside one tomorrow!

So, it's a brand new Ford Fusion loaded to the rooftop with bells and whistles...Satellite radio (kind of a joke her in Alaska but on the off chance that it comes in, I'm stoked!), Sync by Microsoft (no idea what it is but I hope it impresses someone!), leather interior, amazingly placed storage space, a nice little nook in the door that holds my cell phone, built in sunglasses clips on the visors, personalized temp controls for driver and passenger, heated seats (let the ass roasting begin!), sunroof, power shifter thingy (I'm sure it has an official name but I really don't care what it is...it's cool...and I'll never use it!), cup holders in the doors...they are nice and deep too so your coffee doesn't spill everywhere! Let me just tell you about the coziness factor of the seats...it's amazing...it feels like its giving me a nice cozy leathery hug!

So, you're probably thinking...damn this girl needs to get a life, she's in Alaska and she's getting excited about a Ford Sedan...YES PEOPLE I AM! Things have been a little rough around here...so I'll take whatever joy and excitement I can get...and if ridiculous excitement over an "upgrade" to a Ford isn't your thing...well, please don't pee in my Cheerios!


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