WTF Alaska
Here it is, the long awaited WTF Alaska listed. Ok so maybe only BRad has been waiting for it, just bear with me while I build suspense! Since arriving in the "frontier" I have seen some rather interesting, entertaining, special, and blog worthy things. I've been compiling a list appropriately titled "WTF Alaska" for a day like today...the big reveal...
(these are not in order of special-ness, just in order of how they occurred)
1. A motorcycle with a side car, with two grown men respectively riding on and in
2. A man walking barefoot down the street in 37 degrees
3. A pickup truck with a gun rack that not only blocked his view through the back window, but also had a very extensive collection of guns in it
4. A girl with her mom (?) at the grocery store, sitting in the car in their parking lot (conveniently parked right next to mine) and the girl starts to take her clothes off

5. Man walking shirtless (he had no shirt in his possession so he apparently shopped shirtless) out of a grocery store with a vat of potato salad that he was eating with chopsticks (same day as WTF post #4)
6. Man wearing a skirt made out of Carharts at the Farmer's Market
7. Perverts Need Love bumper sticker on a truck's driver's side door. What I also did not notice until uploading the picture to the blog that the pervert also apparently needs his gold bond powder while driving
I will be updating these throughout my stay because I have faith that this is not the end of this list! Just thought I would share my "finds" thus far!
Here it is, the long awaited WTF Alaska listed. Ok so maybe only BRad has been waiting for it, just bear with me while I build suspense! Since arriving in the "frontier" I have seen some rather interesting, entertaining, special, and blog worthy things. I've been compiling a list appropriately titled "WTF Alaska" for a day like today...the big reveal...
(these are not in order of special-ness, just in order of how they occurred)
1. A motorcycle with a side car, with two grown men respectively riding on and in
2. A man walking barefoot down the street in 37 degrees
3. A pickup truck with a gun rack that not only blocked his view through the back window, but also had a very extensive collection of guns in it
4. A girl with her mom (?) at the grocery store, sitting in the car in their parking lot (conveniently parked right next to mine) and the girl starts to take her clothes off

5. Man walking shirtless (he had no shirt in his possession so he apparently shopped shirtless) out of a grocery store with a vat of potato salad that he was eating with chopsticks (same day as WTF post #4)
6. Man wearing a skirt made out of Carharts at the Farmer's Market
7. Perverts Need Love bumper sticker on a truck's driver's side door. What I also did not notice until uploading the picture to the blog that the pervert also apparently needs his gold bond powder while driving
I will be updating these throughout my stay because I have faith that this is not the end of this list! Just thought I would share my "finds" thus far!
Alaska and Texas just need to secede right now. Austin, TX can stay in; we can build a sky bridge that connects it to the rest of the country. By we, I mean underpaid workers, not us.