Safe and sound in Okinawa...until they give me a car!


Well hello friends and family! I am safe and sound in Okinawa. I arrived after midnight last night (technically this morning I suppose) and as I sit here typing, it is 4:40am. I am meeting some others downstairs for breakfast at 7:30 then we are off on our adventures for the day.
Pre packing mess

When I say adventures, I mean, attempts to stay alive while also not injuring or offending any of the locals in the process. That's right, after two days of travel, and little/no sleep last night, I guess they think it's a good idea to give me a car. With the steering wheel on the "other" side, and then to allow me to drive..."on the other side". Yikes! It certainly has given me a full appreciation of the extensive walking that I did last time I was in Japan...without a car!

I'm told that Okinawa is a small island, but while looking around during our ride from the airport to the hotel, small was not the first thing I thought of. Also, is it really a good idea to allow someone to drive when they have no idea what the signs on the road mean, how to interpret the traffic lights, better yet, which traffic light applies to them, etc. Ah adventure!

The accommodations here are amazing compared to my last stay in Japan. I can actually walk around in my room. I have a toto washlet in a nice rose color that constantly keeps my toilet seat heated, I have a balcony, ooh, and my bed is bigger than a twin! The hotel is much nicer and has all of the facilities one would hope for! I've included some pics of the new digs, prior to my suitcases exploding and my belongings being strewn from wall to window!

I'll post more when I'm conscious, assuming I survive this driving experience!

Love to all!


  1. Your living quarters look nice... can't wait to see pictures from the city, Have Fun and Be Safe!


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