Okashigoten, otherwise known as Beni-Imo Pastry Factory (ie: sampling mecca!)


After a failed attempt at venturing to Ie Island (missed the boat...no really, too much traffic!), this little purple sweet potato wonderland popped into the picture! I've seen it several times while driving down 58, but never knew what it was and certainly never stopped. Today being a bright sunny day with nothing on the schedule allowed for some spontaneous side trips!

This place has music that sounds like the Japanese version of "It's a Small World" playing constantly. You enter into a shopping portion of the store (with the production line way in the back, glassed off, of the purple sweet potato pastries) and there is no shortage of samples to be had. Literally I felt like drinks and snacks were being shoved in my face (similar to a favorite childhood movie "have a popover froggie...")

On the second floor there is a little cafe/restaurant. The menu is limited. Not in English and with pictures that aren't clear so you take your best guess when you point and order. Really what you go there for is the view. The restaurant has a panoramic view of the ocean, and on a beautiful day (today) you can stare out into the turquoise horizon.

view from restaurant

After eating you can walk around the side of the building and down to the beach. The water was cold so I couldn't force myself to go in, but I did collect some nice shells and enjoyed the sunshine (since it feels like its only the 5th day of sunshine since I got here in January!)


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