Zip Lining (take 2) at Forest Adventure in Onna


So, of course after the amazingsuperfantastic time last weekend at Forest Adventure, I just couldn't resist going back this weekend! What a perfect day for it too, the sun was out (it wasn't too hot though) and the sea was turquoise (which you see constantly because the course overlooks the sea)

Being that it was my second time doing the course, I had a little confidence in my step, and decided to do some horizontal ziplining (rather than just letting my legs dangle freely) and some upside down zip lining. Of course it was amazing, next time I go I will let go of the rope and try all of those things! I was happy that this time around I didn't have as many crash landings, yard sales, or back landings!

upside down zipping

Me making a typical Laura face!

Running jump from the platform

so tight it cuts off circulation! 


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