Paleo Challenge 2012


Ok, so tomorrow is the big day, the start of the 2 month Paleo Challenge Crossfit Beyond Limits (best place on earth). I'm going to utilize my blog to keep track of my progress, meals, recipes, and other Paleo/Crossfit related stuff (since I haven't been doing much travel related blogging apologies!)

I'm super excited for the challenge and definitely look forward to watching myself progress through the 2 months. The diet portion of this isn't too difficult for me since I already eat (mostly) Paleo...just have to cut out the Greek Yogurts that I have been eating as part of breakfast (a matter of convenience) and reduce some fruit intake...Let the games begin :)

In preparation for the start tomorrow I spent today cooking/preparing for the week. Because I go in and do the WOD at 5am, I have almost no time to prepare/eat breakfast before leaving for work so I made a nice batch of Bacon Wrapped Eggs (I added spinach and onions to the mix)

Bacon wrapped eggs (with spinach and onion) before
Bacon wrapped eggs after (ready for the week!)
Next up I made coconut "battered" chicken that I can take for lunches (and put on top of salads). Simple, just use an egg wash, coconut flour, and organic unsweetened coconut flakes

Coconut "battered" chicken before

Coconut "battered" chicken (after)
Next I made Caulimash. A great substitute for mashed potatoes when you're feeling like you need that warm hearty meal or something resembling that :) I love cauliflower in all forms so this was an easy one to get hooked on! Also an easy recipe to prepare, cook the cauliflower until it's really soft, then in a food processor or a blender (or if you're ambitious do it by hand) mash it all up. I added a small amount of coconut milk, some garlic, and sea salt and fresh ground pepper...voila!

Mashed cauliflower
Tomorrow's challenge will start with weigh ins, measurements, and before photos (yikes!) My eye is on the prize (ripped abs and all around muscle definition...I don't care about the number on the scale!)

Eager to start, I already prepared some of tomorrow's breakfast...Bacon wrapped egg on top of caulimash, with my second dose of fish oil for the day (sitting on the container lid). Not sure what else I'll be bringing but there will be more! Snack is veggies and almond butter! Quick and easy!

I guess it would be appropriate to put my PR's for the lifts that I have...will be interesting to compare to the end of the challenge!

Shoulder Press (not push press): 67lbs
Deadlift: 200lbs
Back squat: 140lbs

Looking forward to beating those PR's and setting some on the other lifts!


  1. If you need another recipe, I made these today and they were pretty good:

    Not sure how they keep though, we'll find out when I eat my leftovers later this week. Good luck.

  2. Thanks buddy!! I'll have to try them out!


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