RokFit Cyber Series Competition


After a weekend of tough WODs for the RokFit Cyber Series!
So this post is about a week late, but I required some recovery time...and it took forever to upload the approximately 1 million photos that I took! The competition was my first and it was a blast! I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to have by my side through the experience! I placed 42nd overall and 16th in the scaled.

I am currently wrapping up my third week of the Paleo Challenge and to be honest I don't feel any different than when I was doing my modified paleo (incorporating limited amounts of dairy, usually in the form of a Greek Yogurt). I've been told that I am slimming/toning but it's hard to tell when you see yourself daily. It's also hard to know if that's attributed to diet or hard work, or both. I'm certainly working out more here in Texas than I ever have, largely due to the Crossfit Box that I belong to, it's become family. Rather than dreading going to a gym or a workout, I actually dread the time away!

In other news I've signed up for the Metro Dash in Austin in the end of February and will be signing up for the Spartan Race in the end of May (near Austin). Both events will be done with CrossFit Beyond Limits family members! I have my CrossFit Level 1 Certification in between those two things. Lots of great things on the horizon...2012 has been an amazing year so far. I'm a lucky girl!


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