Typhoon Chan-hom...oh the things you google (and purchase!)

7/10/15 Yes I suppose today is a 2-fer day... Months without posting, heck almost a year, and now today you get 2! Typhoon Chan-Hom started yesterday, the forecasts were meager indicating that it wouldn't be a direct hit and I think no one really took it seriously. It was one of the stronger ones I've been through, imagine the impact if it was a direct hit! Here's a photo that was taken on the island, after we had gone into Recovery mode Now, I had gotten a meal or two yesterday but I didn't "stock up" by any sense of the matter. This wasn't going to hit us directly, and from the sounds of the forecast it was all going to occur overnight, so I thought. I actually thought that I'd be able to get up and go for a run this morning. Ha! I woke up to something very different! First of all, this bitch has had me up since 2am...howling winds. Ever wonder how much Netflix you can watch? Ever had to convince Netflix that you were there and to "con...