Day 13: Goodbye Krabi, hello again my love Phi Phi, and then back to Phuket


Woke up earlier than my body wanted to, to catch a ferry back to Phi Phi Island, another beautiful day. I'm lathered in sunscreen with more in my bag for the beach. I could have packed nothing more than a swimsuit and cover up as the formal attire in Krabi and Phi Phi appears to be "swimwear". 

I can't believe that my time in Thailand is nearly over, I leave tomorrow. I spent so much time planning for this trip, counting the days as they slowly ticked by anticipating its arrival, and now it seems like yesterday that it all started. How did it go so quickly? Granted I still have a grand adventure ahead of me in Cambodia, but Thailand will have a piece of my soul. This place has been beyond my wildest expectations. 

A nice hour and a half ferry ride and I was to Phi Phi. You can tell you're arriving at Phi Phi because the water gets considerably more blue and beautiful. It was beyond scorching so I made a beeline to the beach. I couldn't get my backpack and everything off of my back soon enough, and into that water (that didn't appear as clean and blue on the beach side). I stayed in the water for over an hour. The thought of getting out and lugging my heavy pack around town was too much to handle!

I saw it all at the beach today! First a young Brittish girl who purposely wore just a scarf to cover her abnormally large boobs...then went into the water that way. See through wasn't all of it. At one point she stood up and her scarf had disappeared to just titties everywhere. She was moderately embarrassed but not enough to put a bikini top on, even her pals were giving her a hard time. 

Next was the very elderly (probably 80s) Chinese granny who entered the water in a white wife beater (no bra) and underwear. Well she was swimming around and there were boobs coming out the side of the tank top. She made no effort to cover them. I'm not certain the purpose of the tank in the first place. 

It was a shorter layover today so I had to cut my beach time (and I needed to get out of the sun) so I ventured off to find food! I was starving, hadn't had anything all day except the mango shake I grabbed on my walk to the beach. 

Lunch was at a place called Pirates. Mainly because I was sick of walking with my heavy bags and was ready for shade. I ordered Masaman Curry with shrimp and an order of naan, this apparently is a Thai/Indian/American fusion restaurant. And score, they have wifi!

I made my way back to the pier and waited (in the hot sun) for my ferry. Boarding was a bit chaotic, there were 5 different boats docked and people everywhere getting on and off various baits. When I finally figured out which was mine I realized that I had to cross over one boat to climb onto mine. Literally boarding one boat, to take a big step up to get onto my boat on the other side (there wasn't enough dock space at the pier). I asked to make sure it was the boat to Phuket and felt fairly confident that I was in the right place. I saw more orange stickers like mine so that gave me further hope that is make it to Phuket and not some far off lands. 

Ever have a moment on public transport where you seriously doubt if you're on the right boat/plane/track? Yeah that was me. The ferry started making these side detours to little islands almost like a tour ship. We didn't stop to get off but it was not at all like my ride over from Phuket to Phi Phi which made me have a mild panic attack wondering if I was heading somewhere other than to Phuket! Thankfully I arrived at the correct destination. The shared can transport back to the hotel was a bit of a cluster F and took a while to wrangle everyone up but I eventually got back to my hotel, just in time to catch this gem...

I'm royally exhausted from all of that sun today, it wears you out and can dehydrate you so quickly it's scary. Thankfully my flight tomorrow isn't until the afternoon so I can take my time re packing and relaxing a bit before heading off to...CAMBODIA!


  1. Hi! Where to buy boat ticket to do island hopping there? Thanks..


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