What the Fuk?


Decided to spend the night in Fukuoka last night to get the opportunity to explore Saturday there, good choice. Fukuoka is a great city with tons to do, and the shopping, omg the shopping! Stationary obsessed friends when you die and go to stationary heaven it will most definitely be some magical place in Japan. I promise you!

Let me preface all of this by saying that when I had planned to go to Fukuoka, I had these lofty plans for shrines and temples and cultural shmultural...with a quick stop in Loft...well, there was no culture, just straight shopping...THE ENTIRE TIME!

I've been wanting to go to a Loft store for a while and just haven't had access to one. Fukuoka has a 7 floor Loft store. One entire floor is stationary. That would be the 6th. On the first floor they have an entire Hobonichi section and set up.

 For non stationary obsessed friends I apologize for the mild freak out. Needless to say, I stocked up on my 2016 Hobonichi goodies, which meant I had to get a new pen to go with my new planner. 

I also got some new bath salts (one has naked ladies in a streak on the front and the other has what looks like a group of men pissing into a river, but they could be stirring with really long spoons too, the artwork wasn't that great!) either way I hope my salts make me feel as majestic as the colorful packages. Minus the peeing in a river bit, I probably don't need that!

I had intended to spend the full day there but after getting really lost trying to find Loft (the map was not helpful, nor were the wild goose chase directions I got from strangers) and walking 6 miles, I was ready to not be walking! Next time I will do better with the map!

I was able to get a refillable pass (to use on the JR and subway) which was something I've been wanting to do! It's way more convenient and you can use them in convenience stores so you don't have to get your money out! And because I got that, I of course had to get a really cute pass holder that will attach to my bag (sumikko gurashi for those of you wondering, all 2 of you)

Can't wait to get home and odd this train to lay out my goodies and look at them! Who else loves shopping, but really loves getting home to just marvel at your new things?! This girl!!


  1. I'm going to find the Loft in Tokyo! Thanks for the blog!!

    1. I highly recommend it! I used to be an avid shopper of Tokyu Hands but I found that Loft has a better stationary supply! Happy shopping!


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