My daith piercing experience (pain, after care, recommendations)

4/17/16 So a few days ago I got my daith pierced (4/13 actually). I had done a bit of research on it. Honestly just trying to figure out if this was going to be a breeze or the mother bitch of all piercings. I have several piercings but since my mom reads my blog I won't to into all those details here (you're welcome mom!). From what I read it sounded like it would be a breeze, similar to nose, which honestly I didn't feel until they put the jewelry in. Lies. Complete bullshit in fact. I will say that with a caveat, I think it completely depends on your anatomy, which in turn impacts how slowly or quickly the piercer can ram that piercing rod through there. I was a lucky little winner of the bad anatomy game apparently because as soon as I sat down and he started drawing he said "I'm going to have to go slow and you can't move" to which my response was "sweet Jesus please go as fast as possible". He did not. But I also understand that he need...