My daith piercing experience (pain, after care, recommendations)


So a few days ago I got my daith pierced (4/13 actually). I had done a bit of research on it. Honestly just trying to figure out if this was going to be a breeze or the mother bitch of all piercings. I have several piercings but since my mom reads my blog I won't to into all those details here (you're welcome mom!). From what I read it sounded like it would be a breeze, similar to nose, which honestly I didn't feel until they put the jewelry in. Lies. Complete bullshit in fact. I will say that with a caveat, I think it completely depends on your anatomy, which in turn impacts how slowly or quickly the piercer can ram that piercing rod through there. I was a lucky little winner of the bad anatomy game apparently because as soon as I sat down and he started drawing he said "I'm going to have to go slow and you can't move" to which my response was "sweet Jesus please go as fast as possible". He did not. But I also understand that he needed to be cautious and get the piercing aligned. 

Pre piercing:
You can do all the research you want but you will never get a true understanding of what it feels like since everyone's anatomy is different. *side note: I have a pretty dang high pain tolerance*

Do your research on piercers. Don't try to save a buck and go for a $20 piercing. Go somewhere clean and reputable. If you can't eat off of the floor walk the F out. Seriously. I was lucky enough to be able to go to my favorite place in Okinawa, I would lick the floor it's so clean! They have pierced me before and I trust them. They don't rush anything. They sterilize everything. And they take forever to mark you and line things up to make sure it's perfect. This kind of attention to detail is important. 

Research your jewelry. You can go cheapest and get stainless or you can go safer (less chance of your body having a reaction to it) and get titanium. All personal decisions (you do you boo) but all decisions that you should be able to make and the piercing shop should be able to answer any questions. 

I spent a long time trying to pick out my jewelry. I'm indecisive and they have a lot of options. The piercer never once made me feel rushed and in fact offered suggestions when he got an idea of what I was looking for. 

Where did I go? Body Decoration Studio Truth (in Okinawa Japan). I can't recommend them enough for people in the area. 

In the chair/the piercing:
I anticipated laying down (which perhaps would have been more relaxing and comfortable) as that's what a lot of people wrote about their piercing experience. That wasn't what happened. The piercer kept me sitting up (and not leaning back against the chair)

No lie he spent at least 15 minutes marking, erasing, re marking, and making sure things were lined up. By this time I was ready to barf and crap my pants (too much waiting before the needle!)

He told me that he would have to go slow and that I could not move. Jesus this was starting to sound like a great time! I was also starting to think that maybe I should have taken a shot or two of the old Russian elixir before going in (no you should not drink before piercings. No I have not gotten pierced after drinking)

So I'm sitting up with my back not against the back of the chair. Trying to sit up straight (not move) and he says "ready" (too late if I'm not). I take a few breath and it starts. The piercing took about 15 seconds vs 2-5 seconds of ones where I've been clamped. The noise is disgusting. You can't prepare for that. And because this was so slow it pretty much felt like what it was. A metal 16 gauge needle going through my ear and cartilage. The first and end parts were the worst of the actual piercing. I assume through thicker cartilage. 

It was pretty uncomfortable when the piercing was finished and the needle was sitting in there (before he put the jewelry in) I knew the worst part would be coming. 

Putting he jewelry in hurt like hell. It felt like he was putting a 14 gauge barbell into a 16 gauge piercing hole. But it's quick. Much quicker than the piercing. Once that was situated it was smooth sailing. Putting the balls on the end of it then the gemstone in the middle were simple. 

After piercing/after care:
The day of the piercing I didn't really feel it after that. Things were fine. I followed my cleaning instructions. 

Yesterday it was pretty sore. Like a dull ache. The ear was a bit red (I had also caught myself in the night rolling to that side so I think it irritated it). 

Today it's still sore, a dull ache. I don't touch the jewelry and clean it following the instructions. The area around the piercing looks good but I will say, it's hard to see and clean. I use a hand mirror while looking in the bathroom mirror to make sure I'm getting it cleaned properly. 

I did intend on getting both done when I went in there but the piercer wouldn't do both at the same time as the healing is difficult and if you have both its really challenging to get them healed (with sleep g and day to day stuff). I'm glad I didn't 

Will I go back and get the other one done? Not sure. We will see if this one heals up nicely. Perhaps when I forget the initial pain I'll be a dumbass and go back for more!

Headache relief? Not sure. My ear has a constant ache right now as it's healing but hopefully it does help for headache relief. If not I have a really cute piercing as my consolation prize!

I will post an update later on when it has had more than a few days to heal!


  1. I know im way late for this post, but cool new piercing. oh and I just found this article saying a bazillion reasons why you should visit im jealous and want to go.

    1. as if you needed a bazillion reasons to come visit me, jeeesh!!!

    2. okay so....i DESPERATELY want a daith piercing because i consistent migraines. every single day. but when it comes to pain tolerance....girl i am a BABY!!!!!! i’m ab to get my cartilage done and i’m petrified. i have zero pain tolerance and i’ve been reading all these and people that have like crazy high pain tolerance said it’s the most painful piercing they’ve ever had (including tattoos), but other have said it was painless. a close friend of mine said it hurt like hell and i’m telling you i don’t think i can do it and i know you only love once but i am an should’ve and total chicken when it comes to pain so.....idk what to do! i want it but i just know i can’t do it.

    3. I had my nipples done months ago. I just got the daith done and the daith peircing hurt more. . It's just in an awkward spot so they cant go very fast. I have a high pain tolerance myself but I felt that one quite a bit. It also feels like you have an ear infection constantly. I got this done a week ago and my ear still aches. It's a beautiful peircing though. I dont regret it. Its temporary pain . You just have to keep telling yourself that.

  2. found your blog and felt I had to reply. I'll agree-hurt like hell BUT so totally worth it. had mine done on Sept 29, 2016, have had 1 slight headache - not migraine, took Motrin and it was gone. Reason I have go into detail as I really didn't believe this would help at all! So I have done the drug therapy for (going to show my age here) 25 years. I'm over 60, have had migraines for over 45 years and this is the FIRST time I have ever woke up with No Head Pain At All. I know I will still get a migraine sometime but to have days, weeks, and maybe months without pain is worth all the trouble of the piercing. It won't be the same for everyone but if this old lady can do and survive so can all you younger ones - don't waste the time of feeling good.

    1. I'm so glad I read your post! I just turned 60,12/25/16 & have had migraines since I was 12 yrs.old, you do math! I've had a friend,also sufferer, tell me Daith piercing has cured her migraines! She said she still has headaches, but they are slight & dont get or keep her down. Mine have gradually grown worse over the last 10 yrs. They are debilitating for 4-5 days & 3-4 times a month, again, do the math! With my friend highly recommending the piercing & your comment of success, I'm almost 100% convinced Dalthough piercing is what I'm supposed to be researching for myself!! Best wishes for many migraine free years to come for you & maybe one day soon for me as well! My husband of 41 yrs believes I should do it!!

    2. Hurts like hell! Had mine done 9-29-2017, its 10-5-17 and cleaning is hell! The ball has to be in the right spot! Or its bad. I use the blow dryer to dry extra moisture or itll set up bacteria. Low heat. Beats using a towel and touching it lol. I hope the pain goes away. Im yet to know about migraines cause the ear hurts so bad!

    3. i just got my day sat it at 3 am on sunday i wake up with a bad one is that normal and how do you clean the daith my guy did not tell me how to cleaning it

  3. I'm glad someone else found it a painful experience everything I read before I got mine was ow it was a breeze no pain etc - got mine done like a week ago and omfg most painful piercing I have ever had and that includes some pretty sensitive other piercings! Trying to clean it is a nightmare im going with the sea salt soak and cotton balls and using my phone in a bathroom mirror. Now its in I cant feel it unless I stupidly forget its there and go to scratch my ear.

    1. I totally agree. Ive had my nips pierced and that was nothing. This ear though was terrible. I just did yesterday for my birthday. Ugh!

    2. I can't agree more! I have a friend who had it done and hers didn't hurt her at all! Everyone is different I guess! It's all healed up now and I'm so glad I have it, I haven't had a single migraine since getting it!

    3. Had my daith today on both sides..I'm dying! Most painful thing ever and I've had 7 babies! Lol. My ears are still burning 9 hours later and my jaw...🤷‍♀️ hope this cures my migraines or this pain is in vain!

  4. I just had mine done yesterday and it is the most painful peircing I have ever gotten. Note* I have my nipples, tongue, lip, and 6 on each ear not including the diath and I've had my hand tattooed. Those were a breeze! And today it hurts like hell, cleaning it was hell, my head hurts like hell and that's why I had it done in the first place. I hope within the next few days it's much easier to work with and eases my migraines. Glad to know more people found it as painful as I did

    1. AGREE! I have many piercings, this one was the most painful!

    2. Had mine done 8 days ago and my ears still hurt.

  5. I had mine done today. Worse than all my tattoos and piercings combined but I'm hoping it helps with my migraines. But I know the dull ache feeling. It started a few hours after I got mine done.

    1. Mine did that for the first few days, it's been almost a year now and it's all healed and I haven't had a single migraine!

    2. I just had mine done 6 days ago, and I guess I was lucky because it didn't hurt much, and then only the first few minutes. After, it was only a little sore when cleaning it, but today hasn't hurt at all. Unless I touch it, I can't even tell it's there. I also had a headache every day for 6 days prior to the piercing, and not a twinge since.

  6. Thinking of getting mine done... I have rook and conch. Wonder how it compares to those. Looks super cute on you!

    1. I don't have either of those, but I have a lot of piercings, and for me this was the most painful. I have a really good friend who got it done and hers was a breeze though, so everyone is different!

    2. I am not a seasoned piercee by any means...only have my ear lobes pierced..and my tongue pierced long ago, which I no longer have. So I was so scared after reading many testimonials about this being the most painful piercing. was not that bad for me. The sound was freakish, I didn't like that part, and pinching of the needle making its way through lasted longer than I anticipated...but that makes sense since it's going through that thick chunk of cartilage. I think what hurt the worst for me was the needle staying place while he was getting the barbell to put in, and then the tugging to get it in place and ball screwed on. No pain whatsoever afterwards, and no pain today (I got it done yesterday). I think it probably is different for everyone, but maybe the person piercing makes all the difference as well.

  7. Will b day #3 tomorrow morning around 10:30, & OMG,my ear hurts so bad. Anyone have any advice on some sort of relief?

    1. I just had mine done about 4 days ago and my ear hurts sooo bad. Constant pain. Did you ever figure out something to help your pain???

    2. Hi, got my daith piercing in my right ear 5 days ago. Today is the 5th day--and it still hurts like a mother. I tossed and turned last night from the throbbing pain and swelling. Any relief you all have found? All I've done was take pain medication and put ice on it for the swelling. I clean it 3-4 times a day along with moving the ring up and down--it hurt soooo bad!

      Any relief aside from that would be helpful--the ice sooths it for the moment I must say.

    3. You are cleaning way too much. Don't move the ring when you're cleaning, just clean the open ends of the piercing and do it two times a day max. Otherwise leave it alone! That much cleaning and movement is doing more harm than good!

    4. The guy who pierced mine told me to clean it about 12 times a day!!!!! Mine is killing me i got mine done 4 days ago!!!

    5. My piercer told me to clean it morning, afternoon and night and to make sure I move it up and down when cleaning to get the saline solution into the actual hole and clean it. It didnt hurt for the first 3 days but then yesterday I accidentally bumped into my mom's shoulder and it hurt like HELLL. And now my entire left side of my head hurts. I tried rinsing thoroughly in warm water with antibacterial soap in the shower with no relief. hoping some icing will help

    6. To this person: Clean twice a day using saline solution which is a very small amount of sea salt added to a shot glass of boiling water, let cool, use cotton swabs. Do NOT move it as this just causes trauma to the piercing. Don't clean out with soap etc, it will only irritate the piercing and not help you!

      Make sure to keep the area dry as moisture has a tenancy to build in this area.

      Had to reply as your reply made me wince for you!!

      """"UnknownMay 15, 2019 at 1:48 PM
      My piercer told me to clean it morning, afternoon and night and to make sure I move it up and down when cleaning to get the saline solution into the actual hole and clean it. It didnt hurt for the first 3 days but then yesterday I accidentally bumped into my mom's shoulder and it hurt like HELLL. And now my entire left side of my head hurts. I tried rinsing thoroughly in warm water with antibacterial soap in the shower with no relief. hoping some icing will help""""

    7. Today when I got mine done my piercer told me not to do anything with it unless its oozing ... he said just leave it.🤷‍♀️ I would like the severe throbbing and pain to stop!

  8. I had my pierced November 11th and Aleve worked well for me.

    1. THanks! I will try aleve. How long did the pain last? On my 5th day and it hurts--BAD!

    2. I just had both if mine done (yes I thought I was going to die!3 natural births, numerous uncastable bones, and tattoos in unmentionable areas and this was worse then all of them 10x over) so it's been about 10 days for me.. the pain mostly stopped after day 5. Cleaning twice a day with saline and a couple of drops of melted cold pressed coconut oil on them. But it's day ten (and it rained yesterday) and they are hurting like a mf again. Any report on how long this crap will continue?

    3. Mine hurt for about 2 weeks and now it only hurts if I accidentally brush it, or if I try to put a headphone in that ear. I, also, get pain when I get out of the shower and I sit under the fan in my room, but I think that's just me since nobody else I've talked to knows what I'm talking about.

  9. I'm getting mine today. Very nervous. I know it'll help with my migraines in the long run but I do not have the highest pain tolerance :/

  10. i actually got mine pierced today. the only thing that kinda hurt was i could feel the needle other than that nothing. I have migraines a lot. so far this piercing has caused my pain in my head to go down so much. its not throbbing anymore. im glad i did it.

  11. Got mine done today 12/20/16. Wasn't bad as far as pain. i have a super high pain tolerance, though. Just a dull achy feeling about 10 minutes after having both my ears done in the same sitting. Here it is nearly 12 hours after being pierced and don't even notice it. Currently laying on my side and can't even tell there's a piercing there, unlike my helix piercing. Hoping for the best as far as relief from migraines!

  12. I'm thinking of getting mine done. Sounds like it depends on the person and ur ears lol. My friend just got hers done and wasn't that painful. I have a high pain't tolerance so hopefully mine won't be to bad 😢

    1. Hopefully yours wasn't bad! I have a really high pain tolerance and mine was bad. My friend who also has a high pain tolerance said it didn't hurt at all. Everyone seems to have a different experience with it!
      I'm so happy I did it though because the results are exactly what I hoped for!

  13. After 5 tattoos (including foot and ribs) and 14 piercings, I can definitely say that this is the worst. Got it 1.10.17 and my headache is just now starting to go away. It has not been fun, but is SO worth it for the badass look and possible practicality!
    If you're on the fence: JUST DO IT
    Life is too short to not get the neat piercing you want. ;) xx

  14. I had mine done 4 days ago and the pain wasnt so bad the washing it is a pain but iv had much success of no head aches after i had got this done and love it. Its more tender now then when i had it pierced.

  15. I just had mine done a few days ago and omfg, sooo bad. Only thing that was worse were my clavicle dermals (I have my nose, vertical labret, double helix & gauges as well as a large tattoo on the back of my calf and one on my forearm). Afterwards wasn't too awful, and it only really hurts when i try to clean but I'm giving up on qtips n opting for cotton balls bc the pain is so intense. The combination of discomfort and pressure literally makes me freeze for a few seconds as it radiates thru my head. Probably going to get better but it was nice hearing other people went thru a bit of hell with this piercing too. I also have a small daith area (idr the name) but it has a bit of a cradle where the piercing sits well, which my piercer said is a good thing bc it lowers my risk of rejection or migration, which is an issue sometimes for people with less cartilage in that area. My cartilage was pretty thick too. Goodluck everyone! Make sure disinfect it, and if you do SSS or use soaps, make sure to gently run plenty of water on it afterwards so your piercing doesn't dry out!

  16. How are your headaches? I am thinking about getting this done mainly for headache relief (it's secondary to have a badass piercing!). What was your total healing time? Is there a specific side to do for headache relief?

    1. This took a while to heal, well heal completely. It's almost a year later and it's been fully healed for a while. I haven't had a single migraine since I got the piercing. I couldn't be happier with the results. Worth the pain!

    2. I tend to get tats or piercings when I'm upset about something I suffer from debilitating migraines for the past 20 yrs. I was told to get both sides daith piercings. So I did 2 days ago. I have a severe high tolerance for pain esp since I suffer from chronic pain which never goes away. I've had 20 piercings before these. Nothing to it. But daith piercings omg... I was told ah just like a tragus piercing. LIES. I got my septum pierced mins before the daith. Piece of cake. Daith it literally felt like my ears were being hammered to a wall or sawed off. 2 days later Mt ears are both throbbing in pain, all the way into my Jaws. They don't look red or swollen. I just did not expect this sort of pain based on what I've read or what ppl have told me.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Just got both of mine done about 5 hours ago. The clamp was the most painful part. Now if the dull ache in each ear goes away.

    1. Clamp? Interesting! They definitely didn't clamp mine, and I've heard most people don't have a clamp when getting this. Hopefully the clamp made it go faster though!

    2. I had both sides pierced yesterday, to help with migraines. I had been suffering for the 9th day straight with a debilitating migrain. Upon the right side being pierced first (with clamps) the right side of my head completely stopped hurting before he could insert the jewelry. It was absolutely amazing. The left side (also with clamp) continued to hurt a little after the jewelry was inserted. My piercer informed me that he likely went through the entire nerve with the right side a only went through half of the left. He stated that if I wanted to give it a little time and see if the results were what I could handle we could leave them as is. However, if I wanted he would remove the jewelry give the left side about 2 weeks to heal and we could re-pierce. The decision was completely mine. I am a side sleeper and sleep on my left ear. Since yesterday 2/7/18 the only pain I have is when I clean them and it's just a mild discomfort more than a pain.... all in all I would go through the entire process and pain again to no longer have the debilitating migrain I had before....

  19. It's been awhile since I've gotten mine done and I absolutely love it. It has helped greatly with my migraines and it is super cute!!

  20. I'm super surprised so many people said it was so painful. It was literally a pinch...I felt nothing. Is been an hour and I'm still good. I've had my nipple pierced too so I KNOW pain.

    1. Yeah everyone is different! I have many piercings and this is the worst!

  21. I just got mine done tonight, your post was super helpful. I would say the piercing pain is more like pressure. My daith was tiny and thick, so my piercer had her work cut out for her. So I felt a lot of pressure, but no pain. I would say my piercing hurt the most AFTER, for the following 2-3 hours before it filled out. Everyone's pain level and expectation are different, but I would say it's not any worse than a standard cartilage piercing and looks super bad*ss!!

    1. Congrats on the new piercing! Hope it's healed up well and that you aren't getting migraines (if that's what you got it for!)

  22. Hello, I just got my daith pierced today. I admit after reading so many posts and blogs I was ready for it to hurt. I can honestly say it did not hurt at all. I felt a little bit of pressure and that was all. I had an amazing piercer and that can make a difference as well. I went in with a headache. It was about an 8 went I got pierced. Right after the headache dropped to a 3. It was awesome. I am going to go back in a few months and getting my other ear done. I had a really great experience. I'm so glad I decided to do it. Plus it looks awesome. I know this isn't the case for everyone but I wanted to also give some positive feedback about getting the actual piercing vs. The pain

    1. Everyone is different! My friend got hers done after I did and she and I have similar pain tolerances...she didn't have pain either.
      Hers has taken longer to heal than mine did (and I thought mine took a while for a piercing)
      Everybody is different :) I read a ton of blogs and watched Youtubes before getting it done and most had me under the impression that it wouldn't hurt so I wanted to give my honest experience for people too :)

  23. My piercing itself was quick and relatively painfree during the piercing and that first day, but that has changed now, day two and three and I have a throbbing and painful feeling. Am hoping it's just the swelling and this will subside. Have to say no migraines though as yet so fingers crossed.

  24. Sooooo happy to see someone else has the constant dull ache. My ear is sore as hell. It's only been a week for me so far. Mine seems to get sore when I clean it. I'm trying to find the best way to clean it. Lol Its not red or anything just hurts like hell.

    1. Same for me! It's actually only been 3 days, but feels like a week. I also had a Tragus piercing done too along with the one daith piercing (same ear) Sometimes it hurts just to smile or laugh as the movement pulls on that side of my face! My ear is not red, but it is slightly swollen. QTips just make the pain worse. I added 3 tbs of pink Himalayan salt to a water bottle, then poked a tiny hole in the cap, so I can squirt the salt solution directly on my piercings.

    2. I've been reading comments to see the symptoms others are having. I'm experiencing swelling and an aching pain. Wanted to make sure this was normal. It didn't really hurt the day of the piercing but now as days go on--it hurts worse. On day 5 and it is still really swollen and hurts alot.

    3. I just got mine on Saturday and it hurts all around my ear. Super tender. Hope it goes away soon!

    4. Bambi how is it now? I feel exactly as you wrote here and I'm a week in. Wondering how it will work out

    5. Hi I just got mine done on both eras 3 day ago, and the pain was not bad till hours later. I'm having pain in my jaw, and the all around my ear. I wanted to know is is normal to hurt like this, but I also got both of my tragus pierced. Let me know is is normal for this pain, and how long it will take to go away.

  25. Just got my daith pierced about 2 hours ago the pain is not to bad it bleeds a lot when it's first done. The pain is pretty tolerable as of right now it's just that dull ache. It's not really all that bad it hurted just a bite when he inserted the needle but the process was relatively quick. I thought it would be far much more worst it's really not. I'm happy with my piercing glad I had it done.

    1. Congrats on your new piercing! I hope it heals quickly for you! Mine actually didn't bleed at all when I got it done!

  26. Had mines done today 03/06/17
    I was so nervous, I suffer with Chronic Mirgraine headache for over Twenty years.
    Started Botox January 20,2017
    Seems like my Mirgraine got worse, back in forth going to my Doctor office and Emergency Room for relief.
    I am desperate for relief...
    My experience was actually great, it actually took about 15 seconds, I think all the praying help... It did hurt but only for a few seconds.
    My ear ache just a little. I love the look, I will go and get the other ear done eventually .
    I suffer so bad with my mirgraines, I felt like I deal with that pain, so I can deal with getting the daithing pierce...

    1. Congrats on your piercing! I hope it brings you migraine relief! I haven't had a migraine since getting the piercing and it's been nearly a year!

  27. I had my daith pierced on my left ear Saturday March 4, 2017 (3 days ago) and it bled really, really bad and hurt extremely bad!!! I got it done at almost famous piercings in the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. My ear hurts bad at times, not all the time though. The piercing technician I had (Amanda who was over looking a technician in training, Shirley) helped me throughout the day when I had bleeding problems. Like seriously it would gush blood down my ear, jaw and down into my chest. They packed it with cotton balls and it stopped. The cotton balls were a pain to remove before my shower that night. Only bled a little at night (I warned hotel front desk that there may be a lot of blood on my pillow and I guaranteed no one was murdered haha). What hurt the most for mine was the needle going in, then the technician in training had to wiggle it to the right exit mark OMFG!!! I yelped like a dog that got kicked really hard!!! I love the look of it, it is not swollen or red at all, just hurts. Also got my nose pierced on the same visit. My motto is you only live once!!! But, no more piercings for me. I couldn't handle all the bleeding from my ear and nose and the pain!!!

    1. Wow, that bleeding would be scary! I didn't bleed at all with mine, but everybody is different!

    2. I also got mine pierced there. My piercer was Elise and she was great. I got mine pierced Oct 7, so I am 6 days in. I thought mine bled a ton, but yours sounds like a lot more. I also got my tragus pierced. It was feeling fine until today. It's really sore today and is slightly throbbing.

  28. Got mine yesterday March 8, 2017. Told my husband I rated the pain actual 6 out of 10 but anxiety about pain prior to getting it 10+. My ear ached the majority of the afternoon and then nothing, until I clean it.very tender. Looking forward to see if this helps Im 48 and have no memory of ever not having a headache. My mom thinks I had them even as an infant. I wish myself and everyone else the best of luck.

    1. Congrats! I hope this brings you headache relief! I haven't had a migraine since I got mine almost a year ago...I've had some smaller headaches, but not frequent and usually dehydration related after working out!

    2. Hi Lisa, are you free from migraines now or at least having fewer?

  29. I had mine done 3/16 (2 days ago). My guy has been doing this piercing for over 15 years and is a registered RN (which made my choice on where to go). The worst part was the initial prick of the needle, I didn't feel anything after that. But I did wake up this morning with my ear and the area around it a little sore and slightly swollen. It's a bit difficult to clean today, so I'm going back Monday so they can help me clean it. I like how he said that if I had any issues cleaning it, I could go in any time and he'd help me.

  30. Just had both ears done 2 hours ago. The 1st ear was nothing at all. The 2nd side gave him a little trouble but really no pain to speak of. Had a migraine all day and felt it easing off as soon as the 1st side was done,now it's gone.

  31. It hurt like hell when they did it. I got both ears done on Sunday. After the initial pain of the piercing, I was fine. I was able to sleep fine. It definitely hurt more when I cleaned it. Yesterday though it started really hurting! And today it hurts so bad I just want to rip these suckers out. But my headaches have been better! I've had a headache every day for over five years! So I guess they are staying in. Any advice on how to soothe these piercing? I keep touching them which I know they say not to do but it just hurts so bad!!

    1. I see this was in March.. how are you feeling now? I got mine done about 4 days ago and I'm in so much pain.

  32. I had mine done a week ago and mine still hurt it swollen my ear fills plug up . i have no head aches since i had it done. Can i ice pack it for the swollen to go do.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. For me the actual piercing itself wasn't so bad, it has just been everything after. Today is day 4 and it's miserable. I'm hoping between ice and warm compress it'll get better.

    1. I will say I thought that this piercing took forever to fully heal. I was careful with cleaning and not sleeping on it, but wow, the process seemed to drag out. It's been fully healed now for a while and I couldn't be happier with it!

  35. I just had my left side pierced 24 hrs ago... Still no pain. I have a dull throbbing in my ear, but no pain. I have had migraines all my life. I had a headache when I got pierced, and about 10 minutes after, no pain at all. My only issues so far are bleeding, so when the blood dries, it itches, and I keep forgetting not to put the phone to my left ear. I have had 15 piercings, and 13 tattoos, and so far, this is the least painful of all.

    1. Glad your experience was a positive one, it's so funny how different everyones experiences with piercings can be. My friend and I compared our daith stories and they were very different (and we have similar pain tolerances)

  36. I got my right side done Friday night, had a migraine, all the pain on my right went away. Went back Saturday to get the left done. I didn't think the piercing hurt at all, but my right ear is sooo sore! Left one I forget is even there. While this pain is a lot easier than a migraine, I hope it eases soon!

  37. I had mine done for my birthday on 4.14.2017! The actual piercing felt like pressure but you could definetly feel the crunching of the cartalige. This was my first year piercing other than lobes with a gun when I was 13. I got my belly button done the same day and i think my belly hurt more! Both were not crazy painful though. But now on day five it hurts pretty bad constantly after the past 4 days of no pain at all!!

    My biggest issue is cleaning it. Its so hard to reach and i think cotton swabs are to invasive for it. I've been told mine is starting to look a little pusy now:/ not sure if they are just seeing the discharge tho lol!!

    1. Might want to have it checked. I had a little bit of crustiness going on for a few days, maybe a week, but I kept cleaning with a q tip and warm water ever so gently

  38. Got mine done on Monday 4/17, but I'm glad to see this thread of other people having similar symptoms. The first day after I had it was fine, but now I'm on day three and it really hurts and is kind of swollen. This is normal, right? I don't have any other piercings (just one hole in each lobe) or tattoos so I'm really not sure about the healing process of these things. I also got mine done for migraines and it has worked thus far so I'm definitely not wanting to take it out. As far as cleaning- I bought some saline solution from the drugstore and have it in a small spray bottle and I douse my ear in it 2-3 times a day. Should I be using a cotton ball? Q-tips made it hurt worse.

    1. I used Q tips but was VERY gentle around the piercing, I only cleaned with warm water for a while...until it healed some.
      I made sure to use warm water, the q tip, just enough to (pardon the grossness) get the crusty stuff off

  39. Hi! Sorry this is so late compared to when you posted but how long did it take for yours to get better? I just got mine two days ago and it still hurts a lot.

    1. The healing on this was pretty long. I will say that after about 6 months it was FINALLY starting to feel totally healed. As I write this now it's totally fine...every now and then something gets lodged in there (dirt, grime, sand you name it) and I get a slight irritation, but a simple warm water clean and rotation of the hoop and we're back in business!

  40. I've heard the daith piercing works on migraines, but what about chronic daily headaches? I have both. Sooooooooo tied of waking up with a headache and going to bed with one. But the guy hit a pressure point in my nose when I tried it and I passed out and wouldn't respond or come to until he took the jewelry out. He and my acupuncturist both said he it a pressure point. I have a decent pain tolerance but am scared to death! I'm also a phlebotomist and know what a damn 16 gauge looks like😰

  41. Thinking of getting to rid migraines as well, im scared as hell, also wondering if the thinner the gauge of jewlery , would you think less pain when healing.

    1. I don't think that a thinner piece would change the pain much. Some people get this piercing and it doesn't hurt them at all. My friend and I (have similar pain tolerances) and she said it didn't hurt at all. I think it depends on your anatomy. But in the end, I'm totally glad I did it, it was worth the discomfort and very slow healing! I've not had a migraine since!

  42. Hey! So I got my daith pierced a few days ago and my ear is very sore. I only clean it twice a day with a salt water solution and q tips. The piercing is not really bleeding and there doesn't seem to be any pus coming out. Is this normal for a newly pierced daith?? Thank you!

    1. Mine took a really long time to heal, but I would say that if you have concerns, go back to the piercer and have them look at it just to ease your mind!

  43. So I am 5 weeks post daith and my ear as suddenly gotten very sore and puffy. Did anyone else experience this? I did have a spot on there and keep touching and moving which I shouldn't. Not sure whether it's infected and needs removing :(

    1. I would go back to your piercer and have them look at it, if nothing else they can recommend a cleaning practice for you. I went back to my piercer to change the jewelry and it helped with some of the questions I had about healing/cleaning/soreness while i was there. I had a small bump starting to form on the back of one side, but thankfully with proper care and cleaning it has disappeared.

  44. Hello. I decided to get the daith done just over a week ago. Seems to be staying clean but everytime i move it i get a pain in my temple. Anyone else experience this? Kinda counteracts the anti headache/migrane idea haha.

    1. I would move it as little as possible, just what you need to do to clean it with the warm water/q tip cleaning method. It takes a really long time to heal, at least mine did!

  45. Hi everyone! I suffer from chronic pain, not migraines specifically. Have you heard of any piercings that help with generalized chronic pain?

  46. Hi all! Wanted to share my experience with you, I got my daith pierced yesterday and unlike a ton of people on here, mine did not hurt WHATSOEVER. And this is coming from someone with zero pain tolerance. I have never had a cartilage piercing done prior to this piercing, and it really is a breeze. I'd give it a 1/10 on the pain scale. Today is is not sore at all, and I did wake up with a bit of a headache but my piercer said to wiggle the earring whenever I feel a headache coming on and after I did, I felt better INSTANTLY. If you are looking into getting this done I highly recommend doing it! Was not painful for me in the slightest and has not been 24 hours and is already helping my headaches :)

    1. Morgan that's so awesome! Everyone's piercing experience is certainly different, I wish mine was a breeze like that! But even though it wasn't, I'm still so glad that I did it, headache free still!

  47. I'm 46 and like many people, got this piercing because of the overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence that it prevents or at least lessens migraine attacks, of which I've suffered from multiple times a week since the age of 18. I also get cluster headaches which are different to migraines and hand on heart they cause the worst pain one could imagine; their Otherwise Known As name being 'suicide headaches'.

    For some reason I hadn't stumbled across the information that you should have the same side pierced as where you feel the migraine pain - mine being on the right hand side - and I got my left ear pierced. I do still suffer the occasional migraine but they haven't been as painful and don't last for long at all. Abortive migraine meds also work every time - an excellent result even though I had the 'wrong' side pierced.

    I'm wondering if anyone has also noticed a decrease in their anxiety since being pierced here, as I'm pretty sure that most people's migraine triggers include stress and anxiety, it perhaps being the top of the trigger list. I always get a migraine after the stress has passed, not during it, it is as if the migraine is a release of the recent panic/stress/anxiety experience. I have noticed a reduction in anxiety and wondering if that is part of the reason for experiencing fewer migraines and clusters, although I have still been affected by some of my usual triggers (certain smells are my triggers) for examples, wet gloss paint triggered me as did nail varnish remover when I forgot to immediately put the lid back on after use.

    Has anyone else had the other side to their migraine pain pierced but has still experienced an improvement in their headaches/migraines?

    I am going to have the other side pierced too, in case it is the key to preventing migraines and clusters altogether. Now that would be life changing for me and those around me. Migraine and clusters don't just affect the sufferer but extends to their friends and family too...regular broken plans, events cut short because I've had to be taken home, and all that comes with a condition as painful as migraine. The fact we can't anticipate an attack is so irritating and sufferers find every aspect of their life is negatively affected: their career (time off, appearing unreliable), due to career issues financial problems can occur, friendships and social life (eventually being left out of future plans due to 'flakiness' and cancelling so much, ignoring phone calls as the pain is so severe and your speech is also affected - slurred and incomprehensible and makes you sound drunk, and so on.

    It is truly a terrible and misunderstood condition and I'm so pleased to read about so many people curing it with something as simple as a piercing. It must hit a certain meridian line they aren't aware of as acupuncturists have said the placing of a daith piercing is no where near the location of where they'd place needles to treat migraine.

    It is all very interesting and I hope someone fully investigates the claims regarding this piercing and the curing of migraines and clusters, as more people need to know about it!

  48. Hello all! I'm not sure if anyone is still active on here, but in case they are, I have a question. I got mine done almost a week ago, and I was just wondering when the pain and soreness goes away. I know you guys said it takes a long while to fully heal, but did you actually have pain until it was healed completely?

    1. Hi, I know that everyone's healing is different, but for me personally the actual pain didn't last too long, unless I bumped it, or when I was trying to clean it!
      I would say keep an eye on it and most importantly keep it clean with that warm water/qtip

  49. I'm so happy I found this blog!
    I wanted to say that I'm almost 18 and have been suffering from migraines for nearly 5 years. They were so bad that when I would come home from school, I would immediately have to go to sleep - lights out, phone off, you know the drill! I would have to wake up around midnight to do what should've been my nightly routine - showering, homework, getting ready for the 'next day', which was in a few hours.

    I did some research as to how I could relieve/cure these migraines without having to take a billion different medications. So sometime in 2016 I discovered what the heck a daith piercing was.

    I asked my mom about it & she allowed me to have the piercing because she knew the pain I'd been going through every day.

    On December 18th, 2016 I went and had my first daith piercing done by Dave Hurban of Firehouse Tattoo (New Jersey). I'd been following him for quite some time, as he's the business' only piercing artist. I watched a video of him piercing his own arm with magnets to hold an Apple Watch. He had to be good! ��

    The piercing process for me was quick and relatively easy. He got all up in my ear to inspect it, clean it, and draw on it. He said to take a deep breath, then there was a slight crunch & pain that felt like my cartilage was being stapled, but the pain lasted a whole 2 seconds. No ear pain the first day, but some soreness over the next week. I cleaned it daily with sea salt and warm water on a q tip - that's the best way to go, especially for people with sensitive skin like me!

    My piercing was with the barbell, and the healing process has been a charm. I am going on 8 months with my right side done and it has been completely healed since March. Also, although it doesn't work for everyone, I have been migraine-free since the day of the piercing. I can live my life normally again like any other kid. One week of pain and soreness was so worth it.

    And just less than a week ago on July 28, 2017 I had my second daith done by the same guy. Obviously my left ear this time. It was not really necessary but I thought it was nice to finally make my piercings symmetrical. The daith is a pretty cute piercing too!

    So far with this left side it's been constantly sore, but I wouldn't know that unless I touch it with a q tip or smile. Doing the warm water & sea salt again and hope this side will heal just as wonderfully as my right side did.

    I hope everyone else loves their daith piercing(s) as much as I do!

    1. Did u have a pounding feeling in ur ear and did the top of ur ear look a little swallen n red??

    2. Cora thank you so much for sharing! I'm so happy to hear that you are migraine free! I wish I had discovered the daith piercing at a younger age to be able to live my life migraine free too! Like you, since getting the piercing I have not had a migraine! I didn't get my second side done because the first one was really painful, but maybe in the future, I do like the idea of symmetry!

  50. Hi I just got mine done August fourth n I have a pounding feeling in my ear is that normal n for it to swell up a little bit n be red like it not swallen were the piercing is its swallen above it

    1. My whole ear was a little puffy initially just from shock I think, but after that I really focused on keeping it clean, and not laying on that helped. Good luck

  51. Hi I got my daith done 5 days ago on friday. It was so painful but has been fine since. On Sunday I got the worst headache ive ever had and ended up in out of hours doc, I didnt mention piercing to him and he diagnosed a sinus headache . Im not sure, but every time I move my head I feel like I will vomit. Now im thinking its the piercing and am strongly thinking of removing it but am a bit afraid

    1. Hi Rachel
      Everyone reacts differently to piercings. I would keep a close eye on it and if it's continuing to bother you or you aren't feeling well, contact your piercer and medical professional.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I got mine done 5 days ago. The piercing wasn't too bad. I was told by a friend that had both ears done at separate times, to make sure your piercer is strong enough to get the needle through. Her first side was done by a girl that struggled to get it through and it was quite painful. Her second side was done by the guy that did mine and it went quick and wasn't too painful. He used a clamp for mine as well. For a few days it didn't bother me. Yesterday it was tender and today it is pretty sore. We have had stormy weather the last few day which normally kicks off a migraine for me. Nothing. No headache. My ear hurts. But no throbbing headache. I have been cleaning it with saline and I am hoping this is a normal bump in the road and that my ear is not rejecting the earring or that it is infected. Reading the comments puts my mind at ease though.

    1. Camie I'm so happy to hear that your piercing went smoothly and that the healing process is going pretty well, keeping it clean is key!! As you can see from this blog post and comment thread, everyones experience is so different but in the end everyone is so glad that they got it done! Heres to being headache free!

  54. I have suffered like many of y'all for so many years, I differ from cluster headaches and aura migraines. I'm 50 now and have tried meds and needed to stop taking them due to sideaffects. Now I get the botox injections and ONB shot.
    Do guys get piercing as well?

    1. Hi Carl, while none of us here are medical professionals, we all do give personal testaments to our own experiences with migraines and the piercing. I myself had gone through many different forms of medication to try to get rid of migraines and nothing really worked, until this piercing. You have to make the decision that works best for you! Good luck!

  55. I got mine done 5 days ago and the past two days it has been hurting a lot. It didn't hurt when I got the piercing done or even for the first two days. It doesn't look infected or swelling, but man its painful. I've been cleaning it with Q-tips and I move it around a little when cleaning, but from what I read I should stop doing that. Any other advice? I do not have any other piercings besides this one (not even my ear lobes). The only reason I got it done was to try to get some relief of my severe migraines.

    1. Talk to your piercer!! They are the best contact for piercing maintenance and care! They can also take a look at it to make sure that it isn't starting to get infected, or developing a bump. But, I'm guessing that it's just part of the healing process. Mine was painful for a while during healing, and healing took some time! Good luck!

  56. Hi Everyone! I just had mine done today did anyone experience any pressure like water in your ear & if so how long did it last? I agree the Daith is by far the worst piercing I've ever had mine too about 15mins.

  57. I just had mine done, 8 hours ago (11/12/17), I suffer from migraines and was told i should get my daith pierced. Finally after many months of research and debate with myself I went and did it. Had both daith pierced. It was hearing the sound of the needle going through that bothered me most. Right after I could feel pressure around my eyes, this being an area of where most of my headaches would be. Has brought on a headache, hoping not a migraine but most likely turning into one, from the pain. Dull pain, sensitive around the ear. I get everyone is different with pain, healing, and so forth, but has anyone else felt like their ears needed to pop from the pressure?

    1. Hi Rae,
      I didn't feel like my ears needed to pop but there was a lot of discomfort during healing. I also only had one side pierced, not both. So perhaps doing both did something with the pressure points causing extra discomfort just during healing? Hang in there and if it continues discuss it with your piercer! You know your body best! Keep cleaning it with warm water and hopefully it doesn't send you into a migraine!

    2. I got both of mine done six days ago and my left ear canal has felt like there's a lot of pressure and needs to pop for about two days now. Why, I have no idea, but I know how you're feeling.

  58. I'm really glad I came across this post! I got both of mine done 6 days ago. I almost never feel the one on the right, but the left one today has just had throbbing pain and it's making my whole ear hurt, and especially hurts when I smile, and I was panicking, but I'm feeling a lot better about it seeing as the same thing has happened to multiple people, so it's normal. Thank you!

    1. I'm so glad that you found this helpful. I wrote the original post as my own personal experience (I'm obviously not a professional or a medical person) and then it was so great to have so many people write with theirs as well! It makes it easier for others to understand the healing process and pain levels and how different they can be!

  59. I had mine done on 9.2.2018. The actual piercing itself I found was bearable. Yes, it hurt but nothing too bad. I had a small throbbing pain for the rest of the day. Sleeping was a pain in the ass though, Iv had to sleep on one side to help the with the pain. It’s now 20.2.2018 and the throbbing pain is awful and is still there. It’s really sore if you touch it. Cleaning it is also not much fun. Iv been using cotton swabs and salt water which is what my piercer recommended to me. The pain is just nuts, the thobbing doesn’t seem to be stopping. I even thought I was getting an ear infection. But luckily I found this page and the commons made me feel at ease as everyone seems to have had the same type experience with this piercing.

  60. It took a grand total of 8 months for all pain to stop. And unfortunately my headaches are still exactly the same but again, I have a lot of nerve damage so I really wasn't expecting a miracle. But at least I habe a nice story about tree worst pain on the planet! And a cute pair of earrings! You're results and pain level are going to be just that....YOURS. just because they hit the nerves in my ears doesn't mean they will yours. My advice... expect the worst, and hope for the best!

    1. you are so right! I tell everyone who asks me about mine...that it hurt like hell, but that I also have a friend who got it and said it was a breeze
      Lucky for me I haven't had a migraine since. She has had migraines since the piercing but they've been dramatically reduced
      But like you said, everyone is SO different!

  61. I got mine done last Friday night. Worst pain ever!! It’s still super sore and it feels hot. I’ve been cleaning it every 4-5 hours like the piercer recommended. However, I did not buy the aftercare cleaning solution at the shop cuz I thought I had some left over at home. So I went to the drugstore and bought saline wound spray. I just looked up the product on Amazon that the piercer recommendationed and ordered it. Hopefully it will help with the pain? I’ve also been icing my ear and taking ibuprofen a few times a day.

    Can’t wait until it’s finally healed so I can put a new ring in!

    1. honestly I would wait a LONG time to change the jewelry, that process HURTS and if it's not healed it will really hurt!
      When I had my jewelry changed (not because I wanted to but because part of mine bent) it felt similar to the piercing pain
      Later when my ear was healed I changed it again and it was much easier (pain wise)

  62. Got mine done 4 days ago the piercing itself was easy I also got a 2nd forward helix. But the throbbing pain and the weird feeling your ear has water in it is crazy. I started cleaning it 2 a day or at least try its tender, there isn’t redness but it’s a tad swollen oh god the pain 4 days later. I’m glad I’m not the only one.... just my poor little ear is so sore.

  63. Got mine done yesterday!! Worst piercing I’ve gotten, the needle was an L and my jewelry had to pop into a socket so getting the jewelry closed with the blood was painful.!! I had a headache when I went into get it and didn’t have one when I left.

  64. I am not a seasoned piercee by any means...only have my ear lobes pierced..and my tongue pierced long ago, which I no longer have. So I was so scared after reading many testimonials about this being the most painful piercing. was not that bad for me. The sound was freakish, I didn't like that part, and pinching of the needle making its way through lasted longer than I anticipated...but that makes sense since it's going through that thick chunk of cartilage. I think what hurt the worst for me was the needle staying place while he was getting the barbell to put in, and then the tugging to get it in place and ball screwed on. No pain whatsoever afterwards, and no pain today (I got it done yesterday). I think it probably is different for everyone, but maybe the person piercing makes all the difference as well.

    1. Hi. How is your ear going now. I had mine done 5 days again and still a dull ache. I also have a very sore front of the ear did you at all.

  65. I had mine pierced 5 days ago. It didn't really hurt at the time but started hurting after about 30 mins. Not only does it hurt where it was pierced but it also hurts were my face joints my ear. I've also had shooting pains through my actual ear. Has anyone else had this. It's not red or swallow but still hurts to clean. Can't wait till the full ache goes away. At least I haven't had any headaches

    1. Yep my entire ear make me lowkey tense and bend my head to that side. So the pain isn't just me I had to read because the pain is horrible

  66. So, I just got mine done 2 days ago, not the person for piercings I mostly do tattoos, and I love how honest you are about this. How long did it take to heal for you? And when did the pain go away?
    Did you use anything to help the pain? I'm on day 2 of having the piercing and it is a dull ache and it mixing with my chronic migraines are just horrid.

    1. To really fully heal it was probably close to a year, but to get out of that "annoying" painful phase was probably a month or two. I just made sure to clean it really well with nothing extra. I used the mild dial soap after the first month, and warm water

  67. I just got both of my daiths pierced yesterday. I was anticipating it to be excruciating. Turns out...mine barely hurt at all. Thank goodness. The biggest problem I am having is a dull pain radiating from my ear back through my head. Its constant but goes away with Tylenol. Im hoping its temporary.

    1. You're so luck!!! I want my other one done, I think (in addition to being amazing at relieving my migraines) it's a super cute piercing

  68. I got mine Sat I went in with a migraine that started on my left side. So that's the side I got done first. As soon as she pierced it my migraine instantly was gone. I will say the piercing is worse than contractions that mf hurt so bad and is still sore. How long will this pain last ?

  69. How long have people actually cleaned their daith piercing for. I had mine done yesterday. I use cotton wool balls soaked in salt water to clean it as cotton buds hurt my ear too much

  70. I got mine done today and felt absolutely nothing. I was all psyched out reading other comments and I couldn't believe how easy it was. I literally felt like someone had pressed something on my ear and that was it. I have a high tolerance for pain so maybe that's why.

  71. Am I the only one that found this to be the easiest piercing so far? I have my septum, first, and second holes. Doesn't even ache (only if I touch it which I'm trying not to) it's only two days out though... Could be speaking too soon. My septum did ache for a month after. I don't know! At least the daith is hard to bump by accident. The septum I always caught on my shirt 😭

  72. So a couple weeks ago I woke up to myself pulling my daith piercing (hurt like crap) I've been to my doc. To see if it was ok cause it was swollen and sore but no puss or discharge or anything. So it is still sore and swollen , I am still doing saline soaks twice a day . Far as I know it was healed before this , didn't even know it was there. Is there anything else I could try to aliviate this.

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  75. I had the daith pierced originally about 4 years ago. Drastically reduced the migraines. Back in march the heart turned and jammed on the daith, soo it had to come out. So since middle of march I have had migraines day in day out. With the odd day here and there without one. Today I had the daith re- pierced, omg that hurt more than it did the first time. Inside my ear feels like ear ache now...ouch.
    I opted for the ball bar this time so hopefully no issues with it turning and getting stuck

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  77. I had my done about 2 days ago and was shocked at how much it hurt. I’ve had my chest and eyebrows tattooed plus several piercings so I thought how bad can it be... initial piercing wasn’t pleasant but the real pain came when they put the jewellery in. Since then it’s just hurt non-stop. Cleaning it hurts, leaving it hurts, moving my head hurts, staying still hurts. I’m hoping it will go off in the next few days. I’m usually quite brave with piercings and tattoos but this one had me swearing without even realising. I’m hoping it works as my migraines can be crippling, so far I can’t feel anything but intense pain in my ear.

  78. I had my done about 2 days ago and was shocked at how much it hurt. I’ve had my chest and eyebrows tattooed plus several piercings so I thought how bad can it be... initial piercing wasn’t pleasant but the real pain came when they put the jewellery in. Since then it’s just hurt non-stop. Cleaning it hurts, leaving it hurts, moving my head hurts, staying still hurts. I’m hoping it will go off in the next few days. I’m usually quite brave with piercings and tattoos but this one had me swearing without even realising. I’m hoping it works as my migraines can be crippling, so far I can’t feel anything but intense pain in my ear.

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